Tuesday 6 April 2010

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is a rabbit that holds a basket full of colored eggs. Not only eggs but sometimes candy, chocolate and toys. Usually the bunny hides these things from children at night, so they can find them in the morning. This tradition is very close to the Christmas one, where presents are hided and the children have to wait till the nest day in order to see their gifts.

The notion has pre-Christian origins. It is originated in Germany ands was first mentioned in German writings in 1500s. And the first edible Easter bunnies were made during 1800s. The first edible German Easter Bunnies were made of sugar and pastry. It was then introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. And it was believed that if children were good, "Oschter Haws" will put a nest full of colored eggs. The idea was very similar to Santa Clause.

Children also built some nests using caps and bonnets. And they spent time on coloring the eggs too.

A question that many of us ask, why rabbits and eggs? They must be symbols.

Rabbits and hares give birth to large litters in the early spring, and do they became symbols of the rising fertility. Besides, it is known that rabbits can have a second litter while she still pregnant with the first. And so they give birth to several litters annually.

The origin of eggs is not known yet. However since eggs reflect fertility and are colors white, so children either boil them with flowers or color them with bright colors.

Nowadays, Easter bunny is celebrated world wide and is considered to be very important tradition for children like Christmas and Halloween

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