Sunday 18 April 2010

Towards a better life

One of the very interesting facebook groups I saw is called “ Save Minimum Charge’, which basically fights against the notion of paying large sums of money on outings.

It is known that all Egyptian youth go out on Thursdays, and many on Fridays and Saturdays. Thus restaurants set a minimum charge according to the quality of the place, from 20 L.E to more than 200 L.E, forcing many poor people to feel depressed for not going out to such good places.

The problem is that wealthy people can afford to pay a range from 75 -150 LE , but they feel it is too high for eating the drinking. After all, it is just dinner not lunch. And the prices of the food are mush higher than their quality!

This scenario repeats itself every week, and wealthy people have nothing to do but to pay these sums of money for just one outing! The questions to be asked here, are we a rich nation?

Lets us examine a little bit the life of the poor people, which counts the majority of the population!
Men on average yield 600 LE per month, where they must make end meats.  They pay for house rent, transportation, food, water, shelter, school fees and extra fees for stationary or any break down.

A windowed woman yield not less than 300 LE and not more than 500 LE, due to discrimination, and she still have to pay the bills.

Needless to say that enfant mortality is high due to lack of food and health care. And the last thing a parent would like to see, is his poor child suffering from a disease and dying in front of his eyes.  Who can tolerate this mess!

While all of these people suffering, a bunch of friends are paying around 1000 L.E not even benefiting of the money they spend. While a 1000 LE can help a child to cure or even encourage a couple to get married before the 40s!

What I would highly empahizise on, is to give ourselves few minutes daily, and see the real problem that we always leave behind.

God gave us money, not to make full use of it, but to help our dear poor brother who is in need.
I see young innocent eyes dream of a car similar to mine when they look on it, or even to have the money to get married to the one they love.

The sense of guild is very hard, that I can not tolerate these looks. I want to see happy people. I want to see people’s dreams come true. And it is not my dream, but it should be our dream.

If each person on earth help with only 10 pounds daily, a difference will be seen. Instead of paying 100 LE and more, dedicate one day, and go out with your friends to the nearest orphanage or help institute and spend the sum of the money you were going to spend elsewhere. And I guruantee you that the happiness brought from helping the others, will not be described in words. Because it is real.

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