Saturday 27 February 2010

My favourite Quotes

Each person is touched by certian quotes, where he either beleives in them, or experienced them before. Here are some quotes i like, maybe you will have a hint of my personality.

"He, who has a why to live for, can bare almost any how" -Nietzsche.

"The best way of revenge is not to be like him...the one who did the injury" -Marcos Aurelius.

"A day is sometimes our mother, sometimes our step mother" -Hesiod.

"Beleive those who are seeking the truth, doubt those who find it" -Andre Guide.

"The unexamined life doesnt worth living" -Socrates.

"War is peace, Freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength" -George Orwell.

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality" -Max Dupree.

Friday 26 February 2010

Podcast: Changing eating habits

Five years ago, i formed a very bad eating habit, where i gained about fifteen kilos. Since then, i feel depressed from the weight i gained, which makes me eat like a pig.
So i decided to change my eating habit in to a better one, putting in to consideration that i should continue on this for several months. It is not an easy task at all, but i have a motive to reduce weight and live a healthy life.
After several reserches on the internet, i found the following information as the most useful.

First of all, Reducing weight comprises reducing the amount of adipose tissue in the body. To achieve this, one can establish a negative energy balance in which energy expenditure exceeds energy intake. This imbalance exploits energy stored in body, which are the fats. There are two determinants of size loss; First the energy value of the weight loss, and the size of energy imbalance.

One way to change eating habits is to start substituting or limiting fatty food such as oven-backed potatoes instead of fried potatoes and grilled chicken instead of fried or pane's chicken.

"The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) updated Food Guide Pyramid is the best source for meal planning--whole grain breads and cereals, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, low fat milk and cheeses, legumes, lean meats, fish and poultry" (Eating Healthy)

Moroever, i found a clear association between soft drinks consumption and increased energy intake. The increase in energy intake results in to weight gain and risk factors for metabolic syndrome. Consuming more water and decreasing soft drinks will facilitate weight loss.

Besides, physical exercise increases the energy expenditure causing negative energy balance. It helps a lot in losing weight, however, it need to be supported with food control. So far, I did not go to gym or play any sports. However, I decided to go to nearby places by foot instead of car. The distances were not far, ranging from 5 to 35 minutes walk like from Heliopolis to Korba for example. I did not lose much at all, however I felt lighter than before. It helped my build some muscles in my legs and arms.

The best way of dieting that I experienced was through dancing. I started dancing ChaCha, and it helped me lose my tummy, and more than one kilo in a month.

So all girls who want to lose weight, try to adapt this healthy eating behaviour, and i beleive that yu will look thinner, more beautifull and healthy.

Street Children in Egypt

The phenomena of street children have started to increase during the past couple of decades, which caught the government recognition very recently. Street children are the causality of economic growth, poverty, high fertility, war, physical and sexual abuse. Some of these children are excited for having gained their freedom, while others are pushed on to the streets due to ill-treatment or death of parents. As a result of harsh circumstances faced by these children and inability to make ends meat, they involve in to 'bad hands' that exploit them in all wrong doings. Most of them fall under the law and end their life in prison. Hence, they live all their life being abused in different kinds, from different people weather from parents, from street criminals or from the police.
As media tackle this issue, many people began to perceive those street children in a bad way, either treating them harsher or avoiding them. These actions complicated the problem even further for the children who started losing hope for help. In addition to the low response of the Egyptian government, street children number is growing year by year in a higher rate than the number of orphanages and Child care organizations. All of these factors deteriorated the case, naming It the temporarily bomb, that if exploded, it will damage huge part of the Egyptian society and the well being of the country.
Children who live in the streets are either abandoned by their family, have homeless families or are forced to spend time in streets and return back home late at night. And if they did not come up with the expected amount of money, they can be beaten harshly.
Usually, street children are boys because they are more likely to have behavioral problems with their families than girls, who tend to be supportive. Girls are also invisible in the streets because they are usually uneducated and not part of the labor force. As a result, they either work in prostitution or as household maids.
The major problem that leads to street children is poverty. Children work either to gain money for themselves, or to support their families. There are several ways to bring up money like begging, washing cars, selling drugs or through prostitution.
Many children leave their homes, to give more space for their family members to live, especially younger siblings. This occurs since the average number in a family is almost six persons. Other children are forced to live on the streets as a result of family breakdown like divorce, separation, or death of one or both parents. Children may prefer to work in order to support the rest of their family, rather than going to orphanages, believing that they can manage to live and be attached to each other because orphanages tend to separate siblings, especially adolescents.
Physical and sexual abuse and neglect are some of the major factors that impel children to escape from home. Such abuse makes them feel humiliated and they have low self-esteem. They are also emotionally and psychologically affected. The problem with sexual abuse, in particular, is that no one knows about it until the child had been raped and killed and perhaps killed. Usually, sexual abuse is caused by family member or relative. Children may also be tempted to escape home in case of parents’ neglect as they may be working a lot and not spending any time with their children.

Personally i wish that all wealthy Egyptian people take an action towards this disaster, because the government is taking very slow steps that will not make a difference at all.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

JRMC 460 NAT Sounds

This is a quick overview of things i do everydqy thqt gives sound:

My provokitive alarm rings, and i chose this alarm so i can wake up to shut it, putting in to consideration that the ararm is put far away from my bed!

I wake up, wash my face

I do a nice cup of tea in order to wake up

I put my high heal shoes on, I adore high heal shoes :D

And finally, receive a phone call from my friend, asking me where iam!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Podcast: Finding meaning is suffering

Searching for meaning to live is a primary motivation for many people on earth. Some people consider their values and meanings are defense mechanisms, while others may die for the sake of their ideals and habits.
It is important for one to search the meaning of life, in other words, the motive that will make him more willing to live. There are questions that we can ask to ourselves like ‘ What exactly does life wants from me’ ‘what am I expected to do’ and ‘what are the gifts I have that should be used’. According to Nietzsche “He who has a why to live for, can bare almost any how”. Those who fail to find meanings, usually commit suicide, or live aimless.
Each person finds meaning in something different than the other according to the personality of this person. Moreover, each person is aware of his responsibilities, where he can easily decide what brings him meaning the most.
Dr. Viktor Frankl discovers the meaning in life in three ways; by creating work to do, by encountering someone or love, or by the attitude one takes towards unavoidable suffering.
From the three ways, I find the third one as more appealing, because it is hard for any one to have a positive attitude towards suffering. A very common example is when a close person dies. Usually the family and all relatives suffer, but only few generate a meaning for this suffering like ‘Heavens is a better place for that person’.
Another example of finding meaning in suffering, is when one does this for a purpose or for the sake of someone.
Few days ago, Tyra show presented a mother, who sent her daughter to a family to foster her. This mother suffered for more than two decades. And the reason why she could not rear her child, was due to lack of money at that time. Her daughter’s father also left the mother to face the whole situation alone. This mother could not find any solution better for her child than this. At least, her daughter will be feed on healthy food, receive a good quality of education and live a good, entertaining life.
I find this a very good example for finding a meaning from suffering.
And I am sure that every one suffers from several aspects, but the most important thing is to face all sufferings in a positive attitude.

This piece of writing was inspired by a book called 'Man's search for meaning' by Dr. Viktor E. Frankl

Wednesday 17 February 2010

JRMC 460 Journal One: Love Shack

Love shack is a feature that was puvlished days ago on World Vision Report by Will Eeverett caught my attention since it was the first time to hear such a story. The duration of this feature was 3:31 minutes. This is an overview of the feature.

Mohammed, an herbalist in Dakar, Senegal, believes he has an herbal secret for long-term relationships. He uses natural resources from the zoo to do his medicine.
He went to India to learn the herbal remedies of unrequited love.
‘If you really want someone who didn’t want them go, you whisper this person name three times, and then turn the key.
The feature then illustrates Gina, American women who lives in Senegal and has some problems with her boy friend. This woman meets Mohammed yet she does not get convinced with the idea, especially when she recognizes the cost of the remedy.
The feature was of great interest because it was a new topic that I never heard of. In addition, it was neither long, nor short, which make it easy for the listener to follow up. However, Mohammed audio recordings were short of length, some were only four word pieces. I believe it is a problem, because by the time the audience realizes that another person is speaking, this person disappears, so the listener fails to understand what the interviewee just said.
The quality of the announcer was not clear. I heard echo on several times and the voice kept on going high and low. The delivery was good and deep, I felt that he was delivering the matterfrom the heart, yet some words were not heard. Furthermore, the announcer did not give time before and after the audio recordings of the interviewees.

As for the quality of sound of interviewees, the two women voices were clear and I did understand their talk, however I felt there were some voices behind. For example when Gina was recording, Mohammed’s voice appeared in the background;

JRMC 460 Journal One: Indiana's Bayh To Retire From Senate

An NPR feature named "Indiana's Bayh To Retire From Senate" produced by Marianne Holland caught my attention yesterday.The duration of the feature was 2:47. This is a summary of my feedback.

Senator Evan Bayh, who is a centrist democrat from Indiana, decided not to seek a third term congress last Monday.
According to the NPR, Bayh is interested in working for the people of Indiana, but he does not like the congress.
Bayh, who won the seat to the Senate in 1998, endorsed his decision to the bitter partisan segregations that have conquered Congress in recent years, though he praise his colleagues as hard workers devoted to serving the public.
Bayh, 54, said he believes "it was time for him to "contribute to society in another way," either by creating jobs with a business, leading a college or university, or running a charity.

The feature was informative and interesting, because the organization was smooth and easy. The feature started with the important information related to Bayh, and was followed by the less important ones. Despite the fruitfulness of the feature, it started to get boring at the end, when the writer lost focus on Bayh.

The announcer’s voice quality was good and clear. The announcer gave pauses between each sentence, making it easy for the listener to understand the feature. Yet, the four audio recordings started right after the announcer last word. It would have been better if the audio recordings started a couple of seconds after the announcer ends.
As for the interviewees, the Senator Bayh’s voice was clear and louder, due to his mascunal voice. As for senator Byron Dorgan, I felt that his mouth was close to the audio recording and not under his chin as it should be. The tone of the voice was diverse the others. It seems that the third character was interviwed in a public place, because the NAT sound was understandable in the background. Sound of people talking but far away did not blur his voice, but demonstrated a live conversation and atmosphere.

Personally, I suggest that microphones should be placed under the chin for all the interviewees and not only some. Moreover, the music at the end of the audio should not be that long. It is illogic to have forty second music, while the whole conversation is 2:47.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

I believe in helping the others

Before last semester, my focus was primarily about me. I believed that everything I do will bring about a good experience and will help me reach maturation. My family spent huge amount of money to provide me with good quality of education, to have an entertaining life, and to feel fulfilled. Everything I wished for was accomplished, and I never had to struggle in order to get it; life was easy. Obviously, I was an I_IT personality who was self-centered and selfish.

I was like the sea snail conserved in my shell. I didn’t care much about disasters that happen to poor people like poverty, illiteracy and sickness. The matter never caught my attention because I believed that everyone should live their real life or their shell, and low class problems were far from my real world. I was shallow, and I didn’t help people that much. Even when my mother used to ask me to give charity in terms of money or even old clothes, I gave only old clothes that I lost interest in.

When I was assigned to visit an orphanage once a week by my psychology doctor last semester, I thought that I was going to fulfill my duty by teaching them and sharing some of my experiences. Surprisingly they were the ones who taught me the real meaning of life. And that was the time when I got out of my shell.
I learned that the greatest satisfaction in life is the gratification you receive after helping others. It is when you go beyond yourself to think about others and put them in your current and future plans and not only the self. The feeling of giving is way better than the feeling of having.

Now I believe that God didn’t give me money, education and potential in order to keep them for self use, but to use them for the service of the poor to make the world a better place.
At last, I believe that every person on earth search for meaning of life, some find it in work, others in love. What gives me meaning the most is helping people.