Friday 26 February 2010

Podcast: Changing eating habits

Five years ago, i formed a very bad eating habit, where i gained about fifteen kilos. Since then, i feel depressed from the weight i gained, which makes me eat like a pig.
So i decided to change my eating habit in to a better one, putting in to consideration that i should continue on this for several months. It is not an easy task at all, but i have a motive to reduce weight and live a healthy life.
After several reserches on the internet, i found the following information as the most useful.

First of all, Reducing weight comprises reducing the amount of adipose tissue in the body. To achieve this, one can establish a negative energy balance in which energy expenditure exceeds energy intake. This imbalance exploits energy stored in body, which are the fats. There are two determinants of size loss; First the energy value of the weight loss, and the size of energy imbalance.

One way to change eating habits is to start substituting or limiting fatty food such as oven-backed potatoes instead of fried potatoes and grilled chicken instead of fried or pane's chicken.

"The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) updated Food Guide Pyramid is the best source for meal planning--whole grain breads and cereals, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, low fat milk and cheeses, legumes, lean meats, fish and poultry" (Eating Healthy)

Moroever, i found a clear association between soft drinks consumption and increased energy intake. The increase in energy intake results in to weight gain and risk factors for metabolic syndrome. Consuming more water and decreasing soft drinks will facilitate weight loss.

Besides, physical exercise increases the energy expenditure causing negative energy balance. It helps a lot in losing weight, however, it need to be supported with food control. So far, I did not go to gym or play any sports. However, I decided to go to nearby places by foot instead of car. The distances were not far, ranging from 5 to 35 minutes walk like from Heliopolis to Korba for example. I did not lose much at all, however I felt lighter than before. It helped my build some muscles in my legs and arms.

The best way of dieting that I experienced was through dancing. I started dancing ChaCha, and it helped me lose my tummy, and more than one kilo in a month.

So all girls who want to lose weight, try to adapt this healthy eating behaviour, and i beleive that yu will look thinner, more beautifull and healthy.

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