Tuesday 23 February 2010

Podcast: Finding meaning is suffering

Searching for meaning to live is a primary motivation for many people on earth. Some people consider their values and meanings are defense mechanisms, while others may die for the sake of their ideals and habits.
It is important for one to search the meaning of life, in other words, the motive that will make him more willing to live. There are questions that we can ask to ourselves like ‘ What exactly does life wants from me’ ‘what am I expected to do’ and ‘what are the gifts I have that should be used’. According to Nietzsche “He who has a why to live for, can bare almost any how”. Those who fail to find meanings, usually commit suicide, or live aimless.
Each person finds meaning in something different than the other according to the personality of this person. Moreover, each person is aware of his responsibilities, where he can easily decide what brings him meaning the most.
Dr. Viktor Frankl discovers the meaning in life in three ways; by creating work to do, by encountering someone or love, or by the attitude one takes towards unavoidable suffering.
From the three ways, I find the third one as more appealing, because it is hard for any one to have a positive attitude towards suffering. A very common example is when a close person dies. Usually the family and all relatives suffer, but only few generate a meaning for this suffering like ‘Heavens is a better place for that person’.
Another example of finding meaning in suffering, is when one does this for a purpose or for the sake of someone.
Few days ago, Tyra show presented a mother, who sent her daughter to a family to foster her. This mother suffered for more than two decades. And the reason why she could not rear her child, was due to lack of money at that time. Her daughter’s father also left the mother to face the whole situation alone. This mother could not find any solution better for her child than this. At least, her daughter will be feed on healthy food, receive a good quality of education and live a good, entertaining life.
I find this a very good example for finding a meaning from suffering.
And I am sure that every one suffers from several aspects, but the most important thing is to face all sufferings in a positive attitude.

This piece of writing was inspired by a book called 'Man's search for meaning' by Dr. Viktor E. Frankl

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